Advancing communications strategy, capacity, and creative output for leading immigration rights organization Ginny SimmonsOctober 26, 2024casestudy
Building the communications strategy and materials to restrict the use of police attack dogs in California Ginny SimmonsMay 18, 2024casestudy
Generating national media attention for abusive and unconstitutional state program against immigrants Ginny SimmonsJune 12, 2023casestudy
Crafting, launching, and managing ACLU-D.C.’s campaign for D.C. statehood Ginny SimmonsApril 8, 2023casestudy
Successfully advocating for the release of Mohamedou Ould Salahi from the Guantánamo Bay Detention Center Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Generating 265,000 public comments to successfully stall a regulatory attack against immigrant families Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Shining a clear and illuminating light on the maternal health crisis in D.C. at a critical legislative moment Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Providing the online infrastructure to connect hundreds of funders working to address the structural challenges facing girls of color Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Successfully advocating for improved family leave policy in California Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Compiling, analyzing, and providing strategic guidance on the annual communications output of the ACLU of the District of Columbia Ginny SimmonsJune 4, 2019casestudy
Creating interactive digital content to expand the reach of immigrant rights advocacy Ginny SimmonsMay 31, 2019casestudy